Party With People Who Get You

Party With People Who Get You

These are all the things I can’t (or won’t) do:

  • Figure out SnapChat.
  • Bleach certain body parts.
  • Contour my cheekbones.
  • Think “adulting” is an actual thing, and not just, well, a way of living.

This is because I’m quickly approaching 50. I’m tired. I’m practical. And I’m grateful, because I “can’t even” think of having to work this hard. And if you’re like me, we probably should hang out.

Like at the Nixon & Company “Old and Bold” Event!

Join us Thursday, November 1, for a special night of celebration for women in their 50s, 60s, 70s and beyond.

This is an event exclusively for mature women, who are too old to care, but too young to stop. So if you’ve lost your husband, soul mate, patience, or mind, you’ll want to be there.

But let us cut to the chase (that’s important at our age)

  • If your kids are in elementary school, this event is not for you.
  • If you hear “pamper” and think diapers – and not wine – you’re too young
  • If you’re coloring your hair to have fun, and not to cover gray, we don’t need your kind.

Instead, this is for you lovely ladies in your flirty 50s, sexy 60s, or sophisticated 70s, or for those already knocking on death’s door.

There will be apps and wine, shopping, beauty tips, Botox, apps, wine, shopping, Botox, good company, apps, and wine. Well, you get it.

There will also be real conversations that don’t involve Instagram, “Merica,” polyamorous relationships, or debate about who we identify as.

It’s a party for your people. People who understand rotary phones, busy signals, drinking from the hose, and manual transmissions. People who…

  • Pass by the neighborhood pool and think, “Oh thank God, I don’t have to go there.”
  • Flip consistently between Sirius Hits 1 and the 70s station.
  • Turn down the music in order to drive better.
  • Avoid having sex on top because of the view from the bottom.

Anyway, it’s a party for people who are shocked that Rose on the “Golden Girls” was only supposed to be 55! I know, right? I’m not lying – I get all my information from Yahoo Answers.

Join us in recognizing that old folks are old, but young folks are exhausting. Come make new friends, reconnect with old friends, or (who are we kidding) meet new old friends. Bring your maturity and your pragmatism. Sip wine. Sigh deep. Put up your feet and discuss the 80s, when life was good. We’ll see you there. But remember: We check IDs.



Go Ahead, Make My Day

Go Ahead, Make My Day

I swear, they said, “Go ahead, make my day.”

Oh wait. They actually said, “Go ahead with the next one. It’s Make a Difference Day.” Details! Why do they give me wine? Anyway. The girls let me know that October 27 is National Make a Difference Day, and it’s actually not a movie reference. It’s a day to make a difference.

I learned this holiday is legit! It was created by USA Weekend Magazine and now it’s primarily sponsored by USA Today. And if there’s anyone you can trust, it’s the media!

So, we’re on it, damn it.

It wasn’t a big stretch. As you may know, the girls are all about philanthropy and making a difference. Kelly is an active advocate for Facing Homelessness Denver. And Amber, Melissa, and Kelly just participated in Shear Impact, donating their time and talent to provide haircuts to the homeless. Here they are after a day of styling. The prettiest difference-makers you’ve ever seen!

So yes, a celebration like this is right up their alley, and they were quick to think of all the ways to make a difference. Experts say the only limit to the day is our imaginations. The wine poured and the girls got to thinking.

Just say yes. Their first idea to celebrate this day was just to nod and say okay. No, seriously. Nod and say okay. That’s the idea. Many people think philanthropy means you have to run a 5k. Or organize a food drive. Or collect money door to door. But all you really have to do to make a difference is open your heart. And your wallet. Try this: Nod yes to everything and pull out your credit card.

That young boy down the street who’s raising funds to deliver eye care to the children of Guatemala? Hell yes, sign me up!

That Pampered Chef sales girl who’s donating proceeds from every 9-by-11 baker? Heck yeah!

That adorable young girl who’s rehoming and rehabilitating dogs and cats from high-kill shelters for her birthday? Bring it on! Seriously, bring it on. This is Melissa’s daughter, and she’s awesome. Donate here.

Pay it forward. Of course, for more ideas, the girls noted the popular charitable gesture at the Starbucks drive-through – to pay for the order of the person behind you. That’s good stuff.

“But you know what would really help?” Kelly asked. “If someone did that at the bank.”

True, very true, the girls said. Sip.

Answer your door. Here’s another way to make a difference: Instead of hiding behind your couch when the doorbell rings, open the door. If it’s that cute little kid selling butter braids — or the prickly teen hawking the discount shopping cards — Pay up. Remember, this is not about buying gift-wrap or a Yankee candle. It’s about reaffirming faith in humanity and teaching values of generosity and community to the next generation. You can make a difference just by making out your check.

But save your receipts. I bought popcorn from a boy scout back in August. Where the hell is my bloody tin?

Practice simple acts of kindness.

Finally, to make a difference, remember that everyday actions can change lives.

Get yourself this amazing tassel bead bracelet. It’s vibrant and fun — and made by women artisans in India who are working to improving their lives through fair trade.

Other things you can do: Smile at a stranger. Pass on a compliment. Meditate to avoid road rage. Or invite someone over for popcorn. Damn it, where is that boy scout?

Anyway, you get the picture. To make a difference, we are only limited by our imagination, and any way we can think of to make the world a better place is worth doing.

Because why do we have to complicate things? Just do something nice. Go ahead, make my day.

Don’t Kill Your Boss’s Cat

Don’t Kill Your Boss’s Cat

Yes, as a general rule, do not kill your boss’s cat. It worried me that this was the first item mentioned in the group brainstorm on how to celebrate National Boss’s Day. But they all quickly agreed on it.

It turns out Melissa did this to Kelly. Agreeing to kitty sit while Kelly was away, Melissa let said cat have the run of the house, where the cat soon discovered a taste for lilies, which turned out to be poisonous. Upon Kelly’s return, the cat unfortunately didn’t make it. But a lesson was learned: Don’t decorate with lilies. Another lesson: True friendship can sustain anything. And now Melissa’s daughter freely tells people: Do you know my mom killed her boss’s cat?

Our regards to PETA, this is a (somewhat) true story. And killing a cat is indeed not a way to celebrate National Boss’s Day, October 16th.

Fortunately, after toasting to the departed cat, the girls came up with other ideas. Here they are!

Give a gift with meaning.

Or not-so-hidden meaning! Passive-aggressive is a flavor we adore, and if the label fits, share it. Seriously, this looks like great wine, and we think any boss would love your kind words. Celebrate the big guy with this gift of the vineyard. If he doesn’t drink, that’s fine too. Enjoy the wine first and give him the bottle! You’re such a nimble employee!


Get them a gift that shows you care.

Another way to celebrate your boss is by letting her know you care about her health and well-being – especially her hydration levels. Encourage her to drink up with this 25-ounce, double-walled, stainless steel, BPA- and Phthalate-free water bottle. Does it say too much? Nah! Fill it with wine and you’ll take the edge right off!

Get them a gift that makes them think of you.

It’s true. Sometimes you have to take those extra steps to get noticed, and sometimes just killing a cat isn’t enough. If that’s the case, give the gift that will remind your boss of all your bad-ass qualities. You take control, you make decisions, and you celebrate made-up holidays! Cheers, boss!

Give them a gift that conveys gratitude.

You know: Like how thankful they should be that you showed up today! Just kidding. Gratitude Changes Everything, and it can lift spirits, transform morale, and create positive outcomes. Seriously, spend a few minutes meditating on all the things you’re grateful for and your outlook will shift instantly. But back to the point…

The Gratitude Apothecary Jar serves as a thoughtful reminder and a great gift. It also tells your boss to be thankful for you – the great employee who remembered this holiday.

These of course are just a few ideas for National Boss’s Day. We have more in store and online – shop now. The important thing is to do something to honor the person who signs your paycheck. Send a card, send a gift. Or drink some wine. Just don’t kill a pet. It’s a felony.

Grab Your DD and Come to Nixon & Company

Grab Your DD and Come to Nixon & Company

It’s true. We are right next to Astro Tap House, Crush Wine Bar, and the soon-to-open Library Bar & Kitchen, so you might think we mean Designated Driver.

But, in case you don’t spend all your time on parenting blogs, what we mean by DD is Dear Daughter, and we’re inviting both of you to our annual Mother Daughter Gathering at the salon. Here’s why you’ll want to grab your daughter by the attitude, and get to this fun night, Monday, October 15th, 2018.

Because we’ll teach you all the cool stuff they show on Pinterest

That fancy braid that your daughter insists every mom except you knows how to do… those loose beachy curls you see on Facebook videos… how to apply eyeliner without looking like a prostitute. At Nixon and Company, we have the answers, and we can show you how it’s done. Plus, all the information will come from us. This means that because we’re not you, there’s a chance she may listen.

Because girls are awesome

Girls are great, and our daughters are smart, confident, and empowered. Based on this, we should never squander the opportunity to get them around women who are also smart, confident and empowered. In these days of vagina hats, #metoo movements, and patriarchy awareness, we could all use some bonding. And some free gifts.

Because we’re full of good advice

Simply put: The ladies of Nixon & Company know things. And to your daughter, we’re hip strangers with cool products who sell amazing clothes. This means we must be cooler than you. Don’t begrudge us this royalty. Instead, use it to your benefit.

Come in, and let us be the ones to tell your daughter she doesn’t have to wash her hair every day. Or that she does still need to wash her hair (we’re talking grease fire). Or that her flat iron techniques could trigger another kind of fire. There are things girls don’t want to hear. Especially from you. But they’ll take it from us. Cause, you know, we’re cool.

Because you deserve it

You are a rock star. You are molding the next generation of women. You’re defining a woman’s worth, and you’re doing it all under constant scrutiny – and through constant eye rolls. You deserve a night out to celebrate your rock star qualities.

So, grab that DD and come on in. Get ideas, get advice, and get each other something special – like these amazing textured bracelets. They’re cool. Trust us. We know.

5 Reasons We Love National Taco Day

5 Reasons We Love National Taco Day

It started with wine. Of course. The girls told me October 4 is National Taco Day. They said, “Lettuce talk about it.” Even though it was “Nacho business.”

I took a sip and dove in.

It turns out tacos are a big hit at Nixon and Company. In fact, Melissa celebrates Taco Tuesday every week. Seriously, every week. “But I mix it up,” she says. Meaning, sometimes they’re made with ground beef, sometimes chicken, and sometimes steak.

So basically, the love of tacos is real. And there are many reasons for it. As they talked, I counted five. Here they are:

They make us happy. Soft, hard-shelled, fish, ready-made, create-your-own, on Tuesdays, or any day of the week. The details didn’t matter. The girls were hard-pressed to narrow down their favorites, and every variation resulted in glee. We were on serious ground. Melissa’s weekly menu was proof.

They’re spicy and easy. Oh, yeah. Who doesn’t love “spicy and easy”? Note to self: Do not make joke here. Do not make joke here. Do not make joke here. Seriously, no innuendos. The girls spilled out the attributes of tacos as easily as others might talk of, I don’t know, their spouses? Their kids? God? They just love tacos, and as fast I could type, I gathered: They’re delicious, crowd-pleasing, versatile, spicy, crunchy, easy to order, easy to make, easy to purchase. Wow, I must admit I had never thought of tacos with such passion. And suddenly, I wanted Mexican.

They’re good with beverages. The girls then quickly turned to all the yummy drinks that go nicely with tacos. In a scene that could only be reminiscent of Bubba’s shrimp diatribe in Forest Gump, the girls said margaritas. Regular margaritas. Margaritas on the rocks. Strawberry margaritas. Mango margarita. Carlos Miguels margaritas. Frozen margaritas. Skinny margaritas. Pre-made margaritas. Home-made margaritas. Margarita recipes…Then Kelly yelled, “Focus chickens! We’re talking about tacos!” Oops.

You can dress up like a taco for Halloween. Thank you, Amber. Thank you for focusing. Yes, this is another of the top five reasons to love tacos. Halloween is coming. And you can indeed dress up like a taco. Moving on.

They’re inspirational. The final praise for tacos: They inspire us to reveal our feelings. To tell the truth about our needs, even if it means sacrificing other foods. To just do it. (Hmm-hmmm: Controversial Nike reference). Anyway. Our love of tacos gives us the courage to stand behind our taco pride with confidence. Like by wearing this shirt.

Gets yours here!

In the end

Eventually, the wine dried up, and the topic of tacos reached its natural end. At which time, Amber said, “Okay? So?” I thought this meant did I have any more questions. But she was actually saying, “Queso.” Didn’t I get it?

She said, “Yeah! We can’t stop taco-ing about it.” And then they laughed. And they found more wine.

Cheers they said! To National Taco Day!

4 Signs You May Not Be a Good Neighbor

4 Signs You May Not Be a Good Neighbor

We all like to think we’re good people with good taste, and that it would be a good thing to live next door to us. But, in celebration of National Good Neighbor Day, September 28, we’re challenging all of us to give this some thought. Are we good neighbors?

Now let’s be clear. All neighbors are guilty of day-to-day transgressions. Letting your trash blow into your neighbor’s yard. Encouraging your adorable children to play outside your neighbor’s home office. Folding up your neighbor’s drainage pipe every time it rains. These things happen!

We’re talking about serious deviations that make people bad — The kind that make us raise our glasses to potential moving vans. So, look inward here and see if you’re a bad neighbor. Here are four ways to tell.

You lay claim to the open lot. Consider this: There’s an empty space between your house and your closest neighbor. Does this mean the lot just hasn’t sold yet or it’s “designated open space”? Or does this mean you have bonus storage space? If you answered the latter, you may be a bad neighbor. This is not an extension of your driveway, in case the curb and grass didn’t tip you off. Please move your cars and crap and be nice.

You take “free” stuff and sell it. Okay, suppose your neighbor puts something in his driveway with a big sign that reads “free.” You know this is his attempt to clean house. You also know this is a gift to those less fortunate. But, what this is not is a business opportunity. If you take the free merchandise and sell it yourself on Craig’s List, you may just be a bad neighbor. If you pocket the money and never mention it to your neighbor, you may be even worse.

You steal. This is a variation of our first two bad neighbor behaviors. But this covers all the other territory of simply taking anything that’s not yours. If your sticky fingers attach themselves to things that don’t belong to you, you may be a bad neighbor. This includes newspapers. Mail. Wood. Amazon packages. Furniture cushions. Wi-fi. The soap dispenser at Nixon and Company. You know who you are.

You make bad decisions. There’s no shortage of examples here. If any of these sound like you, well, your neighbors may be the ones slipping you flyers about the value of your house:

  • You “throw way” your dog’s poop in your neighbor’s garage.
  • There’s a Lazy-Boy recliner on your front porch.
  • When you see your neighbor stranded with a broken-down car, you keep driving.
  • When you neighbor rings your doorbell, you hide.
  • You keep your dogs outside all day to bark.
  • And this is your idea of outdoor décor:

You get the idea. If this is you, please stop.

Instead, let’s all celebrate Good Neighbor Day by being good neighbors! Still confused? Here are some ways people are good neighbors:

  • They open their doors and welcome you to wine. Like our neighbors we love, Crush Wine Bar.
  • They have fully stocked kitchens, and they always have that ingredient you’re missing.
  • They keep their schedules, needs, children, hands, tastes, Craig’s List accounts, and opinions to themselves. Mwah! The less we know, the more we love!
  • They have style. You see them coming and going gorgeously, like in this Teal Classic Cardigan.


So, on National Good Neighbor Day, celebrate with us. Stay good. And if you’re not good, take steps to change. You don’t want to be a subject of this blog.

Fall’s Not Funny

Fall’s Not Funny

No kidding. It’s not. The subject is repetitive (it does happen every year, ladies. Duh). It’s also confusing. One day it’s 90 degrees, the next day it’s bleak and cold. The inconsistency wears on people, and we’re already dreading the “Uggs and Shorts” combos.

We’re not joking here. These are indeed both dull and scary times. To get through it all, we’re just going to talk it out. Right here.

Fall brings out all the feels

While fall is boring, it still comes with heated debate. Basically, the question in the air is “Are we ready for it?” Some of us are putting the brakes on September. Others couldn’t ingest their pumpkin faster if they free-based it.

And the mere mention of fall brings out all the opinions, no matter how diverse.

Amber says: I wish people would stop putting out their fall decorations so soon.

Kelly says: Why does King Soopers already have Christmas stuff out?

Melissa says: I’m excited to “fall” into my new hat.

To which Kelly replies: Stop, Melissa, you’re such a cheese head.

But in all seriousness

Fall is here September 22nd, whether we’re ready or not. And, despite the bad judgment of our local grocery store, Kelly says we’re ready. (And what Kelly says, goes. See last week’s blog: “I’m not a b@$!h. I’m a Virgo.”)

So, all kidding aside, we’re here to help you embrace the season. It’s time to update your wardrobe, cast aside summer, and bring in the fall. If your ability to shift gears is a little rusty, don’t fear. Rust is in! Check out these fall fashions at Nixon and Company:

Like these comfy, stylish boyfriend corduroy slouch pants – in rust! Slouch means you can wear them and still have some fall apple pie. “Boyfriend” means you’ll always love them – even after the next boyfriend pair comes along.

Another great fall color – green. In fact, we love o-luv. These amazing fedoras are classic and fun. Plus they let you go a whole other day without shampooing. Check out this one here.

And, finally, fall wouldn’t feel right without slipping into jeans: Ripped, Cropped and Skinny. (Hey, those should be the alter-egos of Kelly, Amber, and Melissa the next time they go to Vegas? I like it!) Seriously, we have the styles. Shop online or in the store!

Alas, put the shorts away.

No matter how you feel about it, fall is here and these looks are hot, hot, hot. We hope we’ve inspired you to throw on some layers and put the shorts away. Even though, technically, in Colorado, you could still wear shorts in winter.

Shorts in winter? What? Amber says: I don’t even wear my shorts in summer.

Focus Amber. The topic is fall.

And it’s here. Bring on the football, the leaves, the decorations, and the pumpkin Oreos. Break out the wine. It’s not funny. But it’s happening.

I’m Not a Bitch. I’m a Virgo.

I’m Not a Bitch. I’m a Virgo.

And so begins this entry in honor of Kelly Nixon’s birthday, which was September 9th.

This means we’re posting this late, and we missed posting it on or before the actual day. So, while that’s bad, it also shows our incompetence, which is a nice segue into the things all Virgos can’t stand. So Happy Birthday Kelly! To celebrate, we’re delving into other aspects of your special Virgo-ness and all the things that make you tick!

Anal and obsessive

Now, Kelly might tell you this is just another way of saying “detail-oriented” and “precise.” But I did notice how fast Google auto-populates “Is Virgo more likely…” with “to have OCD?” (The answer, by the way, is “Oh God, Yes.”) Turns out, Virgos are known as the perfectionists of the zodiac. So, it’s not just Kelly who will repeatedly tug on your hair during a cut to make sure the sides are even. It’s all Virgos. But we’ll take it, because Damn straight, even hair is awesome!

A little less conversation, a little more action

It was just a matter of time before we quoted an Elvis song, but here you have it. Another trait about Virgos is that they are no talk, all action. If Kelly comes off abrupt because she’s not slowing down to chat, don’t think she’s bitchy. She’s just a Virgo and she has things to do. When she is chatty, she’s usually reeling off solutions to the world’s problems. And she’s doing it all as she’s applying your foils.

Frustrated by incompetence and stupidity

Don’t be the person who doesn’t do what they’re supposed to do. Don’t say you do and don’t. Don’t act like you will and won’t. Blatant crappy behavior? Kelly don’t play that game. With her and all Virgos, this simply won’t do. For example, don’t post a September 9th blog on September 10th . Just saying.

Stands their ground

Finally, our birthday girl – like her Virgo sisters – is indeed bossy. But only in the name of getting things done. And she may be cold, but only because she’s cautious. She’s obsessive, but only in the way that’s tenacious. She stands her ground, but only in the best shoes. Like these amazing Open Toe Silver Heels.

Bottom line: We’ll be the first to tell you. Kelly’s not a bitch. She’s a Virgo. And so was Mother Teresa. We love her, and she cuts a mean head of hair. Come in and say Happy Birthday. Even after September 3rd. We incompetent non-Virgos will have your back.



Lazy Moms? Is There Such a Thing?

Lazy Moms? Is There Such a Thing?

The first Friday in September is Lazy Moms Day. Is this like National Unicorn Day?

Last we checked, there were no lazy moms. Who thought of this title? A man? We’ve tried to find some lazy moms to gear up for this day, but the moms we found were running off to work, backed up in the Kiss & Go lane, or figuring out how to add partial sums. So, we had to dig deeper.

About Lazy Moms Day

Alas, it turns out, Lazy Moms Day is not a celebration of Lazy Moms. It’s a celebration of moms and a national decree bearing them the right to be lazy. For one whole day. True, this is better. But, we have our doubts. Let’s break this down.

First: We say laziness is lady’s choice.

We moms have literally created a whole human being inside ourselves. We wrecked our bodies, and then pushed it out only to have it backtalk us for the rest of our lives.

While we may not be sane, we are committed. And we are the rock stars of humanity. Based on this, we’ll tell you when we need a day to be lazy. It will be on our terms. And it won’t be once a year.

Second: Why do we need a national decree?

Here’s a national decree: “We’re tired.” It takes a lot of effort to Lean In. To keep track of our “Me too” moments. To manage work and childcare and to make 80 cents on the dollar. Now we have to track goofy holidays? We appreciate the nod, but really? Sniff, sniff… I smell a man close by.

Third: If we even wanted to be lazy, we’d have to work for it.

Getting to be lazy can’t just happen for we moms. It’s not as easy as making a tee time and going. For moms, it’s different. For example, this is what we must do just to leave town for a day (without being followed):

  • Ensure kids’ transportation is not a cover for an international sex trafficking ring
  • Pack nutritious and convenient lunches in advance (so they can be forgotten and kids can “starve” and blame you)
  • Shop for and prepare ready-to-heat meals (so they can be forgotten and whole family can go to McDonalds)
  • Make list of emergency contacts in case of sex trafficking
  • Coordinate pet care because family will forget
  • Hire help because family will forget
  • Sign permission slips so they can be forgotten
  • Anticipate last-minute laundry needs because of what family has forgotten
  • Create to-do list so family doesn’t forget
  • Alert neighbors about your absence (and potential sex trafficking threat)

Whew. It might be easier just to not relax. Even if it were National Relaxation Day, which, by the way, has passed.

So really: Is Lazy Moms Day really going to work?

They say we moms are supposed to celebrate the day by taking a holiday from laundry, dishes, bathroom cleaning, and car pools. It does sound grand, doesn’t it. But in reality, we think taking a break from any of these tasks will mean just doing more the next day. I don’t know about you, but I’m sensing more clothes piled up, more dishes in the sink, and even more piss around the rim. And honestly, I bet they’ll throw in one more kid to pick up. Maybe someone we don’t even know. See, trafficking.

Knowing this, it’s probably best for all of us if we celebrate as briskly as possible in a way that’s least likely to loosen our work saddle break up the routine. We say: Shop.

Come in and visit us or shop online for some amazing looks you deserve. Don’t wait for someone to go out and get you something. Just do it yourself. You’re a mom. And if anyone asks you whether you’re going to be lazy, we have the perfect shirt to wear in response.


Cheers to you, you lazy mom. We salute you!

3 Ways We’re Rebelling on Labor Day

3 Ways We’re Rebelling on Labor Day

What the heck? It’s Labor Day already? We don’t know about you, but we think this celebration comes on so fast, it should be called “Going into Labor Day.” Seriously. We just covered Memorial Day, and – aside from being able to send those pesky kids back to school – we say it’s way too soon to mark the end of summer. That’s why we’re rebelling. Here’s how to join us.

  1. Keep calling it summer.

First, who says Labor Day is the closing parenthesis of summer? Is this the Catskills in the 1960s? Our under-boobs are still sweating, and it’s still technically summer through September 22.  Based on this, our first act of rebellion is to just keep on summering past the three-day weekend. In fact, we may even plan a family trip. Kids in school and can’t go? These are details we’re willing to overlook. We’re rebels!

  1. Wear white.

Ugh. The old rule that says you can’t wear white past Labor Day? It’s another limitation circa Dirty Dancing. Well, we say nobody puts our favorite whites in a corner. We’re gonna wear the hell out of them! We may be even buy more. You can too. For example, get this White Hoodie Muscle Shirt and dare someone to say summer’s over.

Another white you’ll love past August: These hip White Cutout Joggers. These bottoms are stylish and functional – you can break the rules and then run away! You go, our summer sister!

  1. Jump in pools.

Oh, you know it. We’re going there. We don’t care if they already hosted “Doggie Dive 2018.” Or that they drained the water. We’re getting our tax dollars’ worth, and we’re climbing the fence. The fact that neighborhood pools close after Labor Day is further proof that they’re pushing summer out and rushing fall in.

Join us in boycotting this closure. Come lay with us on the hot concrete slab and enjoy the silence! It’s still summer! And we deserve our pool time!

But we’ll stop right here.

While Labor Day is here too soon, we are willing to concede to a few Labor Day customs. Remember: We’re rebellious. But we’re never stupid.

Knowing this, here are some things about Labor Day we will embrace:

  • The barbeque, picnic and party.
  • Sending the kids to school.
  • All Labor Day wine and beer sales

We’re so fair!

In conclusion, my ladies of summer. Join us getting the most of this season, right up through the damn solstice. Do not cut short our days in the sun. We’re just getting warmed up!