by Amy | Feb 21, 2018 | Boutique, Style, Trends
You know what we say. What happens in Vegas… comes back to be shared with you all. That’s because we went to “Market” in Sin City, where we learned about all the latest looks that will soon be sweeping Colorado. We brought back gorgeous wares, and the real story of the summer fashions of 2018. Let’s jump right in.
You thought we were kidding.
No, we really mean: Jump right in. Because what’s in is jumpers.
It’s a look stolen from simpler times. When clothes were classy. When communication was face to face. When all our girlfriends wore the same outfit:
Check out the rompin’ fun to be had in this hot romper. Our 50s sisters knew how to enter a room. Or a playground.

Those bare shoulders. Those checks. We love the look. But if this is too vintage for you, fast forward a few decades, when jumpers returned to dominate:

Holy one-piece, Batman! That hair. Those belts. Those pleats. This was a look that deserves an encore. (By the way, since it’s the 1980s again, by Batman we mean Michael Keaton.)

But we digress. Back to the jumpers of the good old days:

So fun. So easy. And so terrycloth, the forgotten feel-good fabric. This may even still be in your closet.
If you’ve lost your beach playsuit, never fear.
Nixon and Co has the 2018 romper. This is one piece that’s a one-piece you’re going to absolutely have to have. Today’s look is based on the looser styles of the 80s, but it’s lighter and sleeker. Less cinching and more flattering. Come in and try it on!
One more thing: Stripes are ripe!
Another trend for summer is the return of stripes. Look at these hotties taking in the sun. They knew then what we know now: It’s not summer without these strappy blues and whites. These ladies also knew style, which is why their gentlemen came a’ courting. And didn’t hook up with them on Tinder. 
We’re proud to feature the stripes of today. Classic. Timeless. Hell, even vertical. They’re coming soon to Nixon & Co!

So: Key takeaways for your summer fashions of 2018
Jumpers are in. Stripes are in. Look at these ladies of yesterday who combined them both. Grab a shoulder and dip your toe in to test these waters. See how great they’ll look on you!

Nixon & Co has the summer fashions of 2018 plus amazing looks you’ll love year-round. Come in to check out the styles and hear about our adventures in Vegas. We’ll tell all. Or will we?
by Amy | Feb 18, 2018 | Boutique, Holiday, Style, Trends
Yes, we just got back from Vegas. Not New Orleans. But the spirit of Mardi Gras was everywhere. Or maybe that was just the naked breasts. Regardless, we brought home the latest styles and fashions we’ll be featuring at our instore and online Boutique. And in the interest of Fat Tuesday, we also brought back our insights on Mardi Gras and what we can all learn from this annual party every day of the year.
First off: The Beads
A tradition of Mardi Gras involves acquiring beads and other “throws” tossed into the crowds by people on the floats. Parade-goers dive for the treasures in the quest for strands. What can we take away from this?
It’s simple: Jewelry is good. Take all that you can. Accept all offerings, and purchase more yourself. Like this Threaded Bojo Leather Cuff.

Or one of these exquisite Calhoun Stone Bracelets.

Embrace the gifts of Mardi Gras. But don’t wait for a passing float. Shop now.
Second: The Brews
Mardi Gras is indeed known as a big drunken party, which perplexes travel experts. Sure there are the shenanigans of the French Quarter, the drinking, and the flashing (we’ll get to that), but Mardi Gras is actually meant for families. You know, like the Meadows of Castle Rock.
Remember that Mardi Gras is a celebration of the last day of the “Carnival Season” and the day before Ash Wednesday. So remember, when you’re in New Orleans on any given February, drink responsibly. And when you’re in the Meadows, drink at Crush Wine Bar or Astro Tap House. Like we do.
Finally: The Boobs
Despite Fat Tuesday being a family affair, the boobs of Mardi Gras are out there. Sources say uninformed tourists are under the impression that they must bare their breasts in order to get the beads, coconuts, toys, and other trinkets of the festival. While some of these items are highly coveted, they cannot be “officially” obtained by flashing your goods. Besides a heat wave (or a really good bet), there is no reason to let the girls out.
What we can we learn from this? Ladies, keep it classy. During Mardi Gras and all the time, don’t show your ta-tas. Trust us. We just got back from Vegas, and as we mentioned, we’ve seen enough.
What can you show instead? You in a sexy, lacy bralette, like this one.

Browse our entire collection here. And be on the lookout – we have some great new styles coming in, with something perfect for everyone, of every size.
Ladies, the spirit of Mardi Gras is always with us, and so are the lessons: Get more jewelry. Hold your liquor. And keep your boobs covered. Is that so hard? We don’t think so. For more lessons on fashion, style, and life, come in and see us.
by Amy | Feb 10, 2018 | Boutique, Holiday, Style, Trends
Sure, we all know what society tells us to do. First, remember that it’s Valentine’s Day and not just — er — Wednesday. But instead spend the days leading up to the big event hoping your partner plans something romantic. Or, just plan something yourself and begrudge the fact that your partner couldn’t figure it out. Capture the whole thing on Facebook and call it a night.
At Nixon and Co, we’re here to say, enough of this approach. It’s time to take back the excitement, promise, and potential of this day that we felt when we were young. Screw Hallmark and focus on not doing these key things instead.
Eat chocolate.
If you’re like us, you’re still buttoning up your pants from Super Bowl Sunday. So, if your partner brings you chocolate, just say no. As your honest girlfriends, we’re here to tell you: Chocolate makes your clothes shrink. It can bring major devastation to your waistline, your complexion, and your menstrual well-being. If he or she brings you chocolate, keep your eye on the prize – your sanity, and the clothes in your closet, at our store online, or in our gorgeous boutique. Toss the chocolate aside. Well, okay, that’s harsh. What we really mean is just put it in the freezer.
Be sad.
Another thing not to do on this day is to be sad. Yes, the flowers, the reservations, the cards – it’s all designed for love and Valentine’s. This can be daunting if you’re in a relationship, and downright depressing if you’re not. We say, screw that.
If you’re coupled up, do what you want to do this holiday – even if it’s sitting on the couch and watching Law and Order: Special Victims Unit. If you’re single, rejoice. Valentine’s Day is one less thing you have to worry about – and tomorrow it will be over for another year. The point is this ladies: Regardless of your situation, don’t be sad on this day. Be happy, dammit.
Expect others to buy you anything.
One more thing we all shouldn’t do on VD is to sit back and wait for treasures to roll in. If you’re in a relationship, your partner may forget the day, or – even more likely – forget all your tastes. If you’re not in a relationship, the only gifts you get may come from your mom.
We say, get out in front of this right now and go get something special for yourself. Like this incredible bag.

Or this adorable bling.

Don’t wait for someone else. Come in today, or shop our online Boutique. Buy your own shit. You can do it, and you deserve it. It’s Valentine’s Day!
Look bad.
Finally, one more thing not to do on the 14th is to go into it looking your worst. If you have the winter blahs, or your style is as dull and brittle as the February air, take this opportunity to revive and refresh. Coupled up or single, you should look as good as Hallmark says you should. Make an appointment here!
Christmas is done. New Year’s is done. Hell, even the Ground Hog has come and gone. And soon we’ll be on to St. Patrick’s. Make the most of VD this year by not doing these key things. Instead, just have fun and focus on you. And get in here to see us, already.
by Amy | Feb 2, 2018 | Boutique, Style, Trends
When we hear rules at Nixon and Company, we’re skeptical. Sure, some rules are great. Like the 10 Commandments. Or the Golden Rule. Or our salon policies.
But many rules are just downright oppressive. And our immediate reaction when we hear them? It’s “Says who?”
For example, these six fashion rules have been blindly followed by too many people. Who made them? And who says we have to follow them?
We’re here to say “Enough!”
Don’t wear white after Labor Day
Yes, this rule had its time and place. In sweltering New York City at the turn of the century. Back then it was as much about the need to wear lighter fabrics in the summer, as it was to define a class in society.
We say, nonsense! Come out of the 1900s. The only rule now about what’s “acceptable” is to first check out your rear view when you’re donning your whitest whites. If we can see your thong or your butt looks like Swiss cheese, don’t wear it.
Don’t show your bra
True, letting your bra strap show can still look, we’ll just say it, trashy. Your mother was right. But it’s 2018, and what’s classy now is to show a “bralette.” These lacy, loose garments are sweet and sexy. And just because your teenage daughter lives in them doesn’t mean you can’t too! Trust us – break the rules and let it show!

When it comes to jewelry, less is more
What is that rule-of-thumb? Put on your entire outfit, as you’ve planned it, then stand in front of the mirror, and take one thing off. What kind of crap is that? We say, put it all on, and own it, sister!
Less is not more. In fact, more is more. Stack necklaces. Add on bracelets. Load up on rings. Go ahead, ladies. Wear it all.
Never wear gold and silver jewelry together
Who’s the buzz-kill who thought of this one? They say the same person also said women over 40 shouldn’t wear short skirts. The reality is: It’s 100% okay to do this. In fact, it’s even stylishly chic. You can wear it all together – gold, silver, brushed gold, rose gold, sterling silver, or any other kind of metal. You can even layer them, you crazy woman!
Shorts are only for summer
We find this rule very limiting to our creativity and our budget. There are cute shorts out there, and we should be free to wear them year-round. Especially in Colorado, where it could be 80 degrees in February.
Pull out those classic tweeds or those dressy velvets, and mix them with a sweater, scarf, and hat. The trick though: Add some leggings or tights. You are not a middle-school boy who “never gets cold.” It’s winter, ladies. Put some frickin’ clothes on.

You must use shampoo to wash your hair
This rule goes beyond fashion and concerns the tresses that make up every outfit. Your hair. Stop washing it all the time, for the love of God. You simply don’t need it. Shampoo is drying and overrated. Discover ways to skip the shampoo here. And if you must pursue the suds, try a dry shampoo.
Rules you can’t break
So now that we’ve taken away all the laws that you’ve held so dear and you think we’re heading toward a fashion free-for-all (Lord help us), we’ll add a few rules you should be following.
Don’t wear socks with open-toed shoes. Some crunchy young person may have told you this was okay. They were high. Do not do this. Tevas with socks, Birkenstocks with socks, flip flops with socks: They’re all bad. Stop now.
Pajamas are only for your house. Or maybe the carpool line. As long as you don’t get out. Even if your car is on fire. Do not wear PJs to the grocery store. Do not wear them pumping gas. Do not wear them to the bank. Again, put some clothes on.
Do not wear UGGs with a short skirt or shorts. These fluffy booties of love are not for year-round! Don’t wear a skirt with no tights in the winter, or a skirt with Big Foot boots in the summer. Decide what season you’re in and embrace it ladies.
As you can see, some rules were meant for breaking, and some rules were meant for screaming from the roof tops. We know them all. Come talk to us about your fashion hopes and dreams. And we’ll crush them for you.
Hope to see you soon.
by Amy | Jan 26, 2018 | Boutique, Style, Trends
When were those dark, archaic times? When searches for fashion involved physical searches? When the latest trends were only found on TV, or in the latest issue of
Cosmo, not yet available at the newsstand. What did we do when all we had were the Yellow Pages?
Yes, we remember 1992, and we can still feel the papercuts. Ouch.
But those days did have their appeal. And it’s still fun to go to real stores… Browse the fashions. Talk to people, try things on, and see things up close and personal.
But, don’t get us wrong. The Internet is a beautiful thing. It makes scheduling, research, and working a breeze. And of course, without it we couldn’t share relevant information about, well, us.
Fortunately, at Nixon & Co, you can have the best of both worlds.
If you’re the type of person who likes to touch and feel (we’re talking about the clothes and accessories, of course) we’re all about that.
Our salon chairs are always brimming with conversations. Our stylists know our clients. We also have the onsite boutique, sales consultants, and oh so lovely changing rooms. We make browsing fun and personal.
And we’re here to talk about the issues of the day: What is a $%@-hole country? What are the challenges to community and education? What’s the best way to wear a blanket scarf?
And what are the latest trends in fashion that would give us an opportunity to show our nipples?
There’s obviously a lot to chat about. In fact, we’re so social we think it’s why Crush Wine Bar and Astro Tap House just moved in next door!
Of course, sometimes you just can’t face that. And we understand.
The Internet was invented for a reason. Porn!
Just kidding. The Internet was invented so we would have the convenience, connection, and capabilities to do more things, faster, and easier.
That’s the beauty of Nixon & Co. You can shop online here from the coziness of your couch, and pour the wine from the comfort of your own home. Of course, it can still get pretty social online too, even if you’re just searching for porn. Just kidding again! From the site, you can sign up for our mailing list and follow us on Instagram.
The point is this, ladies.
With Nixon & Co, we’ve got you covered. Come in to the boutique where there are connections to be made, fashions to see, and friendships to make. Whether 1992 was a great year for you, or you can’t imagine life before the Internet, we are here for you. And we’re close to wine.
Come see us. Or go online. We’d love to see you.
by Amy | Jan 16, 2018 | Boutique, Style, Trends
Update my style? Change with the times? Are you kidding? There is a lot on your plate, and it can be difficult to pull yourself out of 2003, let alone 2017. We are here to help, starting by showcasing some of the trends we’ve discovered for 2018.
A new cut for a new year
What’s the best thing to do to hair? Cut it. A quality cut is the foundation for every other trend.
Curtain bangs
Take down your blinds and embrace the curtains: Bangs parted down the middle and worn long on the sides. Sources say this style is up 600% in Pinterest searches. It’s an easy look, and easy to transition to if you’re growing your bangs out.

Say what you will about this controversial Bachelor contestant. She may only be 12 or 32. But her trending style is hot for any age.

The long pixie, pictured here, is a longer version of the short one trending last year. Great for wavy or curly hair, or even straight. Dare to try it!

Or, throw it back to the early 90s. Retro styles feature blunt cuts with rolled-under or flipped-out ends. Explore this cut and go back to a simpler time. Don’t forget to plug in your answering machine before we call to confirm your appointment.

Add some color to your life.
Color is always in style, but with every year, there’s a way to do it better. Check these out.
Below-the-ears sombré
Move over old ombré, there’s a sombré in town. This year’s sombré is softer and less stripy, starting just below the ear, which totally rocks on a lob. The effect is subtle, the impact is huge.

Root beer
At Nixon & Co, we stay up on the times, which is why we know root beer doesn’t mean soda. Glamour reports 2018 is the “Year of the Brunette.” Root beer hair is rich, dark brown with red or auburn highlights. Okay. We like it. And dammit, now we’re thirsty.

Yes, say it with us. Blauburn. Glamour also sites that blondes mixed with browns and reds will be all the rage. It’s a great seasonal change for blondes and a way to add some depth in the chilly winter. (Want this? Let the receptionist know because it could be a two-color process, blondies.)

Finally, fashion.
Never forget, Nixon & Company is a salon and a boutique. So, let’s talk clothes.
Festive and fun, sequins add pazazz to any outfit. While this particular one might be a little much for the streets of Castle Rock, you get the picture. It’s time to sparkle!

What? Do you work for Pepsi? Fashion blogger Fleurdille notes big, bold logos are sweeping the nation. It’s cute, but we suspect corporate influence.

Fringe and lavender
Well, not necessarily together. Look for fringe on everything — dresses, jackets, purses, and shirts. And lavender is set to be the in color for spring and summer.

We said sheer, not share
Finally, a trend lightly weighing on us this year is sheer. Think thin, wispy, even filmy materials. But proceed with caution. We don’t want to see nipples. Really.

Change is inevitable, and our excitement for helping you change with the times is inevitable too. Make an appointment for a cut, color, or consultation, and swing by for the latest trends in fashion and accessories.
See you soon!
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